Henry Margu is another other premium quality range of Synthetic wigs. They also include some great features like the mono tops, lace front and lite capless designs. Henry Margu is a privately held family owned company that began in 1952. Their range is fashionable as well as innovative and unique. Henry Margu have a truly beautiful range of wigs with a quality that is unsurpassable.
What you need to know about each collection:
Henry Margu Wigs
The Henry Margu wig collection is the highest quality premium synthetic on the market. Their designs are sheer elegance at its best. As well as catering for the more mature lady there are definitely styles for the younger women as well.
Naturally Yours This collection features ready to wear Mono tops that have the versatility to be styled without heat to suit your individual style. Mono tops give you a natural looking part they can be moved to where you like. They are the ultimate in comfort and natural appearance. Everyone can find a style to suit their needs.
Elements These are a sleek ready to wear style and individuals colours that are simply elegant. The quality and fashion is unsurpassable.
Mannequin Wigs Henry Margu do carry a small collection of Mannequin wigs that we are able to order in. However we don’t carry a large stock of them but feel free to contact us and we can specially order what you require. All special orders are able to be delivered within two weeks as long as the manufacturer have them in stock, there is no extra charge for special orders.
As Henry Margu’s catch phrase states…” Henry Margu….The difference is beautiful”
We strive to keep a current and large stock of Henry Margu Wigs. There are so many styles and colours that it is impossible for us to stock absolutely everything. Therefore we can specially order in any style and colour that you are looking for. Most special orders take up to 2 weeks to be delivered. No extra charge. We can be contacted via email sales@wigsonline.com.au or via phone 1300 79 75 79.