Easipiece Application and Progression
Blonde Model Below is wearing easiPart 18” HH
+ 7 easiPieces total:
1- 16” length x 9” width [crown]
2 - 12” length x 6” width [nape]
2 - 16” length x 4” width [1 on each side]
2 - 12” length x 4” width [1 on each side]

Brunette Model Below is wearing easiPart XL 12” HH + 4 easiPieces total:
1- 12” length x 9” width [crown]
1 - 8” length x 6” width [nape]
2 - 12” length x 4” width [1 on each side]

Easipiece Size Options & Placement
The Image Below shows the Lengths and Widths Available.
Each 4", 6" & 9" widths are available in all 3 Lengths (8", 12" & 16")

The Image Below displays the difference of each length when applied.
It also shows the correct placement on your head for each width

Easipieces 9" Wide HH Extensions
Easipieces 9" Wide HH Extensions
Easipieces 9" Wide HH Extensions