Daisy is inspired by Masumi’s signature style Yanna and it comes in a combination of hat and elegant long scarf attached to the hat which can be styled in many beautiful ways.
Masumi headwear and hats are perfect for those with hair loss due to cancer chemotherapy or alopecia and a great alternative or addition for when not wearing a wig. Daisy’s clever combination of both hat and scarf makes this style super versatile as it can be styled in many ways.
The elegant golden diamond pattern on the scarf makes this style very elegant and its double layered super soft cotton hat creates extra comfort for the wearer. Easy-to-wear everyday pieces to go out for shopping or a night out for dinner with friends, we are sure to have a solution to help you rediscover the stylish, confident you.
Colour – Taupe Orange Savana
Material: 95% Silky Touch Cotton 5% Spandex
Size: Average
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